WFH Series: Delaney Vetter

Today in our WFH series we’re featuring Delaney Vetter, a true wordsmith that helps food and beverage brands show the world how great they are through PR and copy. Let’s see how Delaney makes the most of WFH:

1) What is your favorite and least favorite thing about working from home?

Working from home is such a strange existence. On one hand you have all this freedom to work on your own schedule or not have to meal prep but on the other hand you really have no separation between work life and home life. For me the biggest challenges are knowing when to turn work off. It’s so easy to send “just one more email” or grab my laptop first thing in the morning. But there are great things too, for me it’s having the ability to answer a friend’s call during the day or being able to run an errand if I need to and avoiding rush hour traffic.

2) Daily essentials?
1. SO many (too many?) notepads! I have to write things down and get them out of my head. Whether it’s notes on a client call, to-do lists, content ideas or dinner ideas you’ll find lots of them floating around my desk (and part. 2 to this would be good pens-I love Le Pen).
2. Slippers. I was never ever a slipper person and then I got two pairs for Christmas last year and now I wear them everyday. A must when your feet run as cold as mine.
3. WATER. I try to pour a big glass or fill up a bottle every morning so I don’t forget to drink throughout the day. It’s so easy to forget when you are in the zone and all the sudden it’s 6 and you don’t remember the last time you took a sip.
4. And of course snacks! I mean I can call it “research” for my job but really I’m just snacky.

3) Your favorite productivity hack or tool?

I don’t know if it’s necessarily a hack but having specific days be call-free has been a big game changer for me. I don’t think I realized how draining hours on Zoom can be creatively (even though I LOVE talking to people). A couple weeks ago I had an accidentally call free day and noticed a big difference in having that uninterrupted time to focus and work.

Follow on Instagram: @delaneyvettercomm


WFH Series: Rachel Weeks


WFH Series: Erin O’Malley